Newhaven & Peacehaven u3a is registered charity
(Number 1167101) .
It is manged by a Committee which is elected annually at it's Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October each year.
Details of the Committee are on the Contacts page.
It's operation is governed by a Constitution.
This u3a is part of a national u3a organisation although as with all u3a branches it operates independently.
You can find out more about the u3a movement by visiting the u3a website.
Membership is open to anyone who is not longer in full-time employment. An annual subscription is payable each September.
Members of other u3as may join N&P as an Associate Member. Associate members benefit from the same opportunities as other members, however they cannot become Officers of this u3a or join it's Committee.
There are 4 categories of Membership
- Individual £15
- Joint £27 (two people living at the same address)
- Associate Individual £11
- Associate Joint £18.80
If you join between 1st April and 6th July in any year, you only pay half these fees.
If you join from 7th July you pay the full fee but your membership is valid until September of the following year.
We ask members to keep their personal information up to date.
Members can use the Change of Personal Details Form.
Renewals due annually on 1st September, open from 1st Agust-1st November for payments, no need to fill in a new form, unless you have changed your details.
N&P u3a Polices
Membership Forms
- New Member 24-25 to download, print & post
- Change of Personal Details form
- Add Gift Aid form (for current members who wish to join the Gift Aid scheme).
Useful Forms
Born Too Soon
You might also be interested in u3a member Jill Fry's autobiography "Born Too Soon". This fascinating account tells Jill's story as a partially sighted person coping with life.