
Newhaven & Peacehaven

Subs for 2024/25 now due

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You can now pay your membership subs for 2024/2025.
The due date is 1st September, but we are happy to accept your payment from 1st August.

Subscriptions for 2023/24 are:
Individual £15.
Joint (Two people living at the same address) £27.
Associate Individual £11.

(An associate is someone who pays a full fee to another u3a.)
Associate Joint £18.80.
There are also a small number of Historical Associate Members who are entitled to pay half the full fee. These will be contacted individually to remind them.

There are no renewal forms. Payment of the fee will be sufficient to renew your membership. However, if any of your details have changed there is a Change of Details form to tell us about this. You can get the form at a Monthly Meeting or from the the link above (to download, print and return).