
Newhaven & Peacehaven

Joining Newhaven & Peacehaven u3a

Join Newhaven & Peacehaven u3a for positive ageing by keeping yourself physically and  mentally alert through learning, having fun and helping each other.

Contact Sally Freeman the Membership Secretary for further information.

Woman with glasses

To obtain a membership form
download one here New Member 24-25. You will need to print it out and post to the address on the form.
Contact Anne Hartshorne (Acting Membership Secretary)
on 07711512524
or email her Anne Hartshorne.

Details of ways to pay are at the foot of this page.

Sometimes it is easier to talk to real person.

Talk to Sharon on 01273 589953

Talk to Sally on 01273 513707

Please phone only between 9am & 5:30pm

It can be difficult joining an organisation.

New Members' Meetings are held about every 4 months. These meetings, just for "newbies", help you to learn more about our u3a and how you can get the best from your membership. Invitations to attend the meetings are sent personally to all those who have joined since the last New Members' Meeting.
The next New Members' Meeting is on 14th October.

A "Buddy" will greet you at your first Monthly Meeting and make sure you get a good seat.

For further details of how we make you welcome once you have joined, contact New Members' Coordinator Sharon Ahearn New Members

Membership is open to anyone who is not longer in full-time employment. An annual subscription is payable each September.
Members of other u3as may join N&P as an Associate Member. Associate members benefit from the same opportunities as other members, however they cannot become Officers of this u3a or join it's Committee.

There are 4 categories of Membership

  • Individual £15
  • Joint £27 (two people living at the same address)
  • Associate Individual £11
  • Associate Joint £18.80

If you join between 1st April and 6th July in any year, you only pay half these fees.

If you join from 7th July you pay the full fee but your membership is valid until September of the following year.

We ask members to keep their personal information up to date.
Members can use the Change of Personal Details Form.

Member eating out

We know that different people like to pay in different ways. We try to be as flexible as possible in how we accept payments. That’s why we accept payments in cash, by cheque, by bank transfer and, at a monthly meeting, by card (or even using a smart phone).

In Cash:
Please have the correct amount.

By Cheque :
Please make payable to Newhaven & Peacehaven u3a

By Bank Transfer (BACS):
Newhaven & Peacehaven u3a
Account number: 83005390    
Sort code: 60-16-41

Please use the reference "SUBS" to identify what the payment is for.